Monday, May 2, 2011

A New Me and an Ode to Dedication.

     For any of you who don't know, my beautiful sister Morgan has lost 70 POUNDS!! Her sexy body now makes mine look rather...well... you get the picture. Her dedication to achieving her goal of weight loss has inspired me to join her on this journey. She was the deciding factor for me wanting to have a healthier lifestyle and without her getting the ball rolling, I'd still probably be eating whatever I want!
     Not only will eating better make me healthier, it will teach me discipline; and needless to say, I am not one of the most disciplined people out there. Some people were born that way, but I wasn't, so therefore I must learn. 
     Each day I am learning, too! For instance, I am a swimmer. And like most swimmers I HATE RUNNING. But now that I'm trying to discipline myself, I look as running as something that is really really hard but something that is really really good for me. So whether I want to or not, I've been getting my butt off the couch everyday to go running. Even if it's just for a mile... It's a mile more than I usually ever do.
     And for any of you who are reading and saying you can't do it, you are lying to yourselves. Believe me when I say, if I can do it, then YOU can do it. Because it's true... I'm a total foodie and would rather eat a chocolate brownie for dinner rather than a salad. 

Mantra of the day: A Healthier lifestyle = A Happier You.

If any of you are interested in doing this, message me on Facebook! I'll be a support buddy!

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